Enroll Internal Users

Log in to your XcelAudit account and navigate to the settings section of the dashboard.
Refer to video1

Registering A Client

Fill in the required details for the new client, such as their company name, contact information, and any other relevant details.

Creating a Project

XcelAudit Templates are designed to cover the latest guidelines to ensure consistency & accuracy in financial reporting

Assign step

Steps can be assigned to users. Actions include adding evidence, signing off, creating queries, and adding remarks

Bulk assign step

Multiple steps can be assigned to multiple users, with access limited to assigned users, EP, CP, and QCP.

Types of steps

Form Based, Free Formatted attachments, Checklist based, Free text based and Templatized Upload step

Signing off a step

Remarks and evidence type can be added by selecting Add Remarks from the actions menu, followed by signing off the step

Review of step

The information filled by the preparer can be reviewed through the actions menu, followed by signing off the step.

Query Mgmt. Upload

Download Excel template, fill data, and upload with client and project details. Documents are stored in the archived folder.

Creation of queries

Select Create Query from the actions menu, fill in the mandatory details, users can respond and close it with the appropriate closure reasons.

Not Applicable Steps

Audit steps can be reviewed to determine applicability and any non-applicable steps can be marked, the status can be reversed again.

Late sign off Rationale

A step exceeding the target closure date can be signed off by adding remarks, evidence and a rationale through the actions menu

View Online Steps

Step status indicates availability, red for online and green for offline. When a user is working on a step, it is marked as online

Chat Groups

A group chat can be created in the Chats section by adding the necessary users to the conversation.

Pending Worklist

Pending worklist steps assigned to the user can be accessed by selecting View Worklist in the Projects section.